More detail about GSL Sugar Balance...
-Wednesday, August 24, 2016
Sugar Balance by GSL® combines herbs and nutritional supplements to increase the release of insulin from the pancreas and increase the number of insulin receptors, thus increasing insulin sensitivity. Its main ingredient is bitter melon extract, which contains an insulin-like protein called Polypeptide-P. Ingesting the plant or an extract form of the plant seems to work on both the pancreas and non-pancreatic cells to help decrease blood glucose levels. Clinical trials and lab reports show the health benefits of Bitter Melon.
• Bitter Melon: may break down the barier that prevents cells from using the body's insulin.
• Gymnema Sylvestre: may decrease glucose absorption and improve the ability to use glucose for energy.
• Nopal: may decrease glucose absorption from the intestines while increasing the effectiveness of insulin.
• American Ginseng: may enhances physical capacity which positively affects long-term sugar control...